Good morning. Today it’s time to decide about whether we’re staying in Europe. People are confused and they’re relying on confusing, misleading and sometimes plain wrong.
So, consider this.
If you’re basing your choice on immigration, what would you do with the millions of other immigrants already here? At what point do you draw a line? Do you kick out all Europeans? Do you stop people from further afield? Should European countries do the same to us Brits? Should Spain stop Brits buying houses and moving there and using their hospitals?
The trouble is, it’s a loaded question. If you’d like to stop immigration then it MAY POSSIBLY slow if we choose “Leave”, but there’s going to be so many other consequences. It’s like trying to make a small hole in a wall by using a bomb. Sure, it’ll work, but it’s going to make a right old mess and there’s going to be a long-term set of consequences.
In the end I think the majority of people will be making the decision based on duff data, mistruths, lies and just a gut feeling. That’s a frightening, frightening prospect.